
Google ARCore/GMS certification

ARCore is Google‘s platform for creating augmented reality experiences Sensors and cameras on mobile devices allow your phone to sense its environment, understand the world, and interact with information through different apis.To use Google‘s ARCore features, devices need to be tested and certified before they can pre-load or use Google ARCore apk.

Enterprise Compliance

Deeplight - Google ARCore test certification service

1. Google ARCore content
ARCore is Google‘s platform for creating augmented reality experiences sensors and cameras on mobile devices allow your phone to sense its environment, understand the world, and interact with information through different apis.To use Google‘s ARCore features, devices need to be tested and certified before they can pre-load or use Google ARCore apk.

What exactly can ARCore do?
2.1.Motion tracking: Using the phone‘s sensor and camera, ARCore can accurately sense the position and attitude of the phone and change the position and attitude of the virtual object displayed (below).

2.2.Understand the environment: Perceive the plane, such as the table in front of you, the ground, and accurately reproduce this plane in the virtual space (below).

2.3.Light perception: Use the ambient light sensor of the mobile phone to perceive the ambient light condition and adjust the brightness, shadow and material of the virtual object accordingly to make it look more integrated into the environment (below).

3.Google ARCore certification cycle
According to the previous project experience, Deeplight expects that the ARCore certification cycle will be between 2-4 months, and it is recommended that manufacturers with this demand contact us in advance and plan the project cycle.
4.Google ARCore certification process
4.1.Confirm business cooperation and prepare prototype.
4.2.Fill in the application form to apply for ARCore certification and authorization.
4.3.After the authorization is granted, the test starts.
4.4.If the test passes, Google will send an email notification.
5.What devices can do Google ARCore certification
5.1.Must be an Android device.
5.2.Must be a mobile device.
5.3.You must wear a camera.
Therefore, the devices that need to do ARcore certification are basically Android phones and tablets.

For any GMS testing, certification, or quotation requirements, please feel free to contact Mr. Yu at any time, yu@dlcer.com, WhatsApp&Phone:+86-13266518903, we welcome your contact.